
Dan is a data scientist living in the Greater Boston area. He has worked for the past 3 years for Service Management Group (SMG). SMG is a consumer insights firm that works with large restaurant and retailers to measure customer experience.Recently, Dan has been a lead engineer and data scientist developing new solutions for automated text analysis used by SMG to understand customer survey responses. Dan has also been a principal engineer on SMG’s mobile development team and has worked closely with client teams to create custom insights for clients.

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Some photos of Dan and his kids

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Recent Technical Projects

Name Description
Emerging Topics Building detectors that report different types of trends in unstructured text data
Sentiment Classification Building accurate sentiment classifiers by mining large corpii of text
Low Occurance Detection Detecting low frequency high impact occurences in text data for alerting purposes
Taxi Queues at LaGuardia Airport Creating and validating a queue model Using public NYC taxi data
Voronoi Diagram Applications Using Voronoi Partitions to evaluate retail locations


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Data Science and Analytics:

This website was inspired by Minimal Mistakes, a Jekyll template designed, developed, and maintained by Michael Rose.